Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009
O: I still don’t know why I’m here. Couldn’t you just make them say yes?
X: Yes, I could. But it’s not my way, and I would expect you of all people, Would understand my feelings on misuse of power.
O: Ah… power corrupts and all that. Yes, I know Charles. When are you going to stop lecturing me?
X: When you start listening. You’re here because I need you
O: We don’t have to meet every one of them in person?
X: No, this one’s special
Mrs. Jhon: What a beautiful campus, john. Don’t you think?
Mr. jhon: Yeah, the brochure is great. But what about jean? What about illness?
O: Illness?
Mrs. Jhon: John.
O: You think your daughter is sick, Mr. Grey?
X: Perhaps it would be best if we were to speak to her, alone.
Mrs. Jhon: Of course. Jean, can you come down, dear?
Mr. Jhon: We’ll leave you, then
O: It’s very rude to read my thoughts, or Mr. Lensherr’s, without our Permission. Did you think you were, the only one of your kind, young lady?
X: We’re mutants, jean. We’re like you.
J: Really? I doubt that.
O: Oh, Charless. I like this one.
X: You have more power than you can imagine jean. The question, will you control that power? Or let it control you?
Dr. : Warren? Son, is everything all right? What’s going on?
W: Nothing. I’ll be right out.
Dr. : Came on. You’ve been in there for over an hour. Open the door warren.
W: One second
Dr. : Open this door. Warren, let me in there right now. Open the door. Oh God. Not you.
W: Dad, I’m sorry.
L: The whole world’s going to hell and you’re just going to sit there? Let’s go
B: Thanks kitty.
S: We’re getting killed out here
L: Yeah, I know. They’re not ready, storm.
S: Logan
L: Oh, don’t get your panties in a bunch that was my last cigar
S: Logan
L: It’s getting classer. Come on. Let’s keep moving. Hey tin man. Come here. How’s your throwing arm?
S: Logan, we work as a team
L: Yeah, good luck with that. Throw me, now.
S: Dammed, Logan, don’t do this
L: Class dismissed. Hey, colossus nice throw.
+ : Simulation complete
S: What was that
L: Danger room session
S: You know what I mean
L: Lighten up
S: You can’t change the rules. I’m trying to teach ‘em something
L: I taught ‘em something
S: It was a defensive exercise
L: Yeah, best defense is a good offence, or is it the other way round?
S: This isn’t a game, Logan.
L: Well, you sure fooled me. Hey, I’m just a sub. You got a problem, talk the scott.
S: Scott
B: Are you okay?
R: I’m fine
B: You seem like you’re avoiding me. Something’s wrong.
R: What’s wrong, I can’t touch my boyfriend without killing me. Other than that I’m wonderful
B: Hey, I don’t think that’s fair, have I ever put any pressure on you?
R: You’re a guy, bobby. You mind’s only on one thing
L: He Scott, they were looking for you. You didn’t show
Sc: What do you care?
L: For starter, I had to cover your ass
Sc: I didn’t ask you to
L: No, you didn’t. the professor did. I was just passing through
Sc: So pas through, Logan
L: Hey, look. I know how you feel when jean died..
Sc: Don’t
L: Maybe, it’s time for us to move on
Sc: Not every body heals as fast as you, Logan.
+ : Mr. secretary
H: Yes
+ : The meeting’s begun, sir.
H: Thank you.
H: Mr. president
P: Have a seat Hank. Home land security was tracking Magneto.
T: We got hits in Lisbon, Geneva, Montreal. NAVSAT, lost him crossing the border, but we did get a consolation prize. We picked her up breaking into the FDA.
P: You know who she’s been imitating? Secretary task here
H: Yes sir, she can do that
T: Not any more, she can’t. we got her
H: You thing, your prisons can hold her?
T: We have some news prisons. We’ll keep them mobile. Be a step head this time
+ : Where is Magneto, Reaven. Reaven, I asked you a question
M: I don’t answer to my slave name
+ : Reaven Dark Holme. That’s your real name, isn’t it? Or has a convinced you. You don’t have family anymore?
M: My family tried to kill me, you pathetic meat sack.
+ : Ok, then. Mstique-where is he?
M: In here with us
+ : I don’t want to play games with you. I want answers
M: You don’t want to play games with me?
+ : You are going to stop this. Tell me where is magneto?
M: You wanna know where he is? Homo sapien
H: You know, her capture will only provoke magneto, but having her does give us some diplomatic leverage.
P: On principle, I can’t negotiate with these people
H: I thought that’s why you appointed me, sir
P: Yes, it is
H: But that’s not why you called me here
P: No. this is. It’s what she stole from the FDA
H: Dear lord. Is it viable?
P: We believe it is
H: You realize the impact this’ll have on the mutant community?
P: Yes, I do. That’s precisely why we need some of your diplomacy now.
X: When an individual acquires great power, the use of misuse of that power is everything. Will it be for the greater good or will it be used for personal or for destructive ends? Now this is a question we must all ask ourselves. Why? Because we are mutants. For psychics, this is present a particular problem. When is acceptable to use our power and when do we cross that invisible line that turns us into tyrants over our fellow man?
K: But Einstein said that ethnics are an exclusive human concern without any superhuman authority behind it
X: Einstein wasn’t a mutant so far as we know. This case study was sent to me. By a colleague, Dr. Moira McTaggert. Jones.
Dr. MM.: The man you see here was born with no higher-level brain functions. His organ and nervous system work, but he has no consciousness to speak of.
X: What if we were to transfer the consciousness of one person, say a father of four with terminal cancer, into the body of his man? How are we to decide what falls within the range of ethical behavior and what…
+ : Professor
X: We’ll continue this tomorrow, class dismissed
X: The fore cast was for sunny skies
S: Oh, I’m sorry
X: I don’t have to be psychic to see that something’s bothering you
S: I don’t understand magneto’s a fugitive. We’ve mutant in the cabinet, a president who understands us, why hide?
X: We’re not hiding. But we still have enemies. I must protect my student. You know that
S: Yes, but we can’t be students forever
X: Storm, I haven’t thought of you as my student for years. In fact, I thought that perhaps you might take my place someday.
S: But scott’s
X: Scott’s a changed man. He took jean’s dead so hard. Yes, things are better out there, but you, of all people, know how fast the weather can change
S: There’s something you’re not telling us
S: Hank?
H: Ororo, Charles
S: I love what you’ve done with your hair
H: You too. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice
X: Henry, you are always welcome here. You’re a part of this place
H: I have news
X: Is it Eric?
H: No, though we have been making some progress on that front. Mastique was recently apprehended
L: Who’s the fur ball?
H: Hank Maccoy. Secretary. Nice suit
X: Henry, this is a Logan, he’s…………
H: Wolverine. I hear you’re a quite an animal
L: Look who’s talking
S: Magneto’s gonna come get Mystique
H: Magneto’s not the problem. At least not our most pressing one. A major pharmaceutical company has developed a mutant antibody. A way to suppress the mutant X gene.
L: Suppress
H: Permanently, they’re calling it a cure
S: That ridiculous. You can’t cure being a mutant
H: Scientifically speaking….
S: When did we become a disease?
X: Storm, They’re announcing it now
Dr. : These so called mutants are people just like us. Their affection is nothing more than disease, a corruption of healthy cellular activity, but I stand here today to tell you that there’s hope. This site, once the world’s most famous prison, Will now be the source of freedom for all mutants who choose it. Ladies and gentlemen….. I proudly present the answer to mutation, Finally, we have cure.
S: who would want this cure? I mean, what kind of coward would take it just to fit in? is it cowardice to save one self from persecution?
H: Not all of us can fit in so easy, you don’t shed on the furniture.
L: The government probably cooked this up
H: The government had nothing to do with it
L: I’ve heard that before
H: My boy, I have been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws
L: Did he just call me boy
R: Is it true? They can true us
X: Yes, Rogue. It appears to be true
S: No, professor. They can’t cure us. You wanna know why? Because there’s nothing to cure. Nothing’s wrong with you, or any of us, for that matter
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009  

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