Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009
T: Ok, two minutes till rendezvous, Mr. President. We have a satellite feed of Magneto’s base of operations
P: How did we find it?
T: She gave us everything we wanted
P: hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
+ : Approaching target dead ahead set 360-degree incursion
+ : This is the team leader to bravo one. We are green to go
P: Ok send them in
+ : Ok. Freeze mutants! Get your hands in the air!
+ : Ok, I give up
+ : Sorry, Mr. Secretary it was decay
P: If he’s not there, then where the hells is he?
O: Worhington labs, it ends where it began
+ : 100%
Cm: So how are we supposed to get there? Cause I don’t swim
O: Leave that to me
L: Storm. Storm
S: What are you doing back here
L: I need help
S: You find her
L: Yeah, she’s with Magneto
S: Where are they
L: On the move. I know where they’re going
H: You saying you saw Magneto
L: We gotta go. They’re gonna attack Alctraz
H: There are troops stationed on that Island
L: Not enough to stop him
S: Let’s suit up
H: Hand believe this once fit me
L: If Magneto gets that cure, we can’t stop him
H: Can you estimate how many he has?
L: An army. And Jean. Her powers has limits, hers do not
B: There’s only six hours, Logan
L: Yeah, we’re out number, I’m not gonna lie to you but we lost Scott, we lost the Professor. If we don’t fight now, everything they stood for will die with them. I’m not gonna let that happen. Are you? Then we stand together. X-Men. All of us
B: We’re in
L: Let’s go. They’re ready
S: Yeah, I know. But are you ready to do what you need to do when the time comes
+ : Dad, what’s going on
+ : it’s an eartquake
+ : We’re trapped
O: Charles allways wanted to build bridges
P: My God
+ : Fall back! Take cover! Fall back
+ : The boy’s in the southeast corner of the building
O: well, then
+ : let’s take it down!
O: In case, the pawns go first, human and their guns plastic, they’ve learned that’s why the pawns fo first
+ : Target the bridge
O: Archlight, use your shockwaves. target those weapons
H: Oh my stars and garters
S: Go into stealth mode.
P: How about, jets? Tank’s?
T: Againt’s Magneto? He’ll turn them inside out
P: Where are our ground troops?
T: 30 minutes away
P: Then god help us
Dr. : They’re coming for her
B: don’t ever do that again
L: you men cover the doors! Everybody get together! And hold this line
O: Traitors to their own cause. Finish them. Not yet, go inside and get the boy, and kill him
Cm: With pleasure
+ : Hold it
H: He’s going for the boy!
K: Not if I get the first
L: Kitty
+ : come on
L: Grow those back
Cm: Don’t you know who I’m? I’m the Juggernaut, bitch.
+ : Going somewhere?
+ : You’re the guy that invented the cure, right?
Dr. : Girl
+ : No, don’t. don’t hurt him. No, don’t hurt him
Dr. : Let go of me, I didn’t do anything
+ : Calm down. Calm down, everything’s gonna be ok
L: I thought you were a diplomat
H: as churchill said, “ There’s come at time..” oh, you get the point
Dr. : Oh, no. please. No. No. don’t. No
K: No, don’t worry, I’m here to help you, I’m going to get you out of here. Oh, my god. What’s going on?
+ : you’re powers won’t work with me
K: Stay close alright
+ : Ok
Cm: I’m the wrong guy to pay hide-and-seek with
K: Who’s hiding dickhead?
Dr. : don’t. No. don’t. please don’t do this. I only wanted to help you people
+ : Do we look like we need your help
O: It’s time to end this war
L : Take cover
+ : let’s go, let’s go. Move . go, go, go
L: We work as a team
S: Best defense is a good offence
L: Bobby, think you can take out your old friend?
O: Go, ahead.
L: Storm, we’re gonna need some cover
S: Right
+ : You’re in over your head, Bobby. Maybe you should go back to school
B: You never should have left
L: This is it. hey, make it a strike
O: You never learn, do you?
L: Actually, I do.
O: I’m
L: One of them?
O: This is what they want for all of us
L: it’s over Jean, it’s over. No, don’t shoot. No
H: Everybody get out of there
K: Bobby
O: what have I done
L: I’m the only one who can stop her. Get everyone to safety, go. Jean, Jean, I know you’re still there!
J: You would die for them
L: no, not for them. For you, for you
J: save me
L: I love you
B: you’re back
R: I’m sorry. I had to
B: This isn’t what I wanted
R: I know. It’s what I want
S: Hey, good see you, buddy
P: With the thanks of a grateful nation. I introduce our new ambassador to the united states, and the representative to the world for all united states citizens, human and mutant alike, Dr. Hank MacCoy.
L: Way to go, fur ball.
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009  

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