Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009
Resensi Buku Soe Hok Gie oleh Arief Budiman
Resensi Buku Soe Hok Gie oleh Arief Budiman

Ada dua hal yang membuat saya sulit untuk menulis tentang almarhum adik saya,
Soe Hok Gie. Pertama, karena terlalu banyak yang mau saya katakan, sehingga saya
pasti akan merasa kecewa kalau saya menulis tentang dia pada pengantar buku ini.
Kedua, karena bagaimanapun juga, saya tidak akan dapat menceritakan tentang diri
adik saya secara obyektif. Saya terlalu terlibat di dalam hidupnya.
Karena itu, untuk pengantar buku ini, saya hanya ingin menceritakan suatu
peristiwa yang berhubungan dengan diri almarhum, yang mempengaruhi pula hidup
saya dan saya harap, hidup orang-orang lain juga yang membaca buku ini.

Saya ingat, sebelum dia meninggal pada bulan Desember 1969, ada satu hal yang
pernah dia bicarakan dengan saya. Dia berkata, "Akhir-akhir ini saya selalu
berpikir, apa gunanya semua yang saya lakukan ini. Saya menulis, melakukan
kritik kepada banyak orang yang saya anggap tidak benar dan yang sejenisnya
lagi. Makin lama, makin banyak musuh saya dan makin sedikit orang yang mengerti
saya. Dan kritik-kritik saya tidsak mengubah keadaan. Jadi apa sebenarnya yang
saya lakukan? Saya ingin menolong rakyat kecil yang tertindas, tapi kalau
keadaan tidak berubah, apa gunanya kritik-kritik saya? Apa ini bukan semacam
onani yang konyol? Kadang-kadang saya merasa sungguh-sungguh kesepian".

Saya tahu, mengapa dia berkata begitu. Dia menulis kritik-kritik yang keras di
koran-koran, bahkan kadang-kadang dengan menyebut nama. Dia pernah mendapat
surat-surat kaleng yang antara lain memaki-maki dia sebagai "Cina yang tidak
tahu diri, sebaiknya pulang ke negerimu saja". Ibu saya sering gelisah dan
berkata: " Gie, untuk apa semuanya ini. Kamu hanya mencari musuh saja, tidak
mendapat uang". Terhadap ibu dia Cuma tersenyum dan berkata "Ah, mama tidak

Kemudian, dia juga jatuh cinta dengan seorang gadis. Tapi orangtuanya tidak
setuju - mereka selalu dihalangi untuk bertemu. Orangtua gadis itu adalah
seorang pedagang yang cukup kaya dan Hok Gie sudah beberapa kali bicara dengan
dia. Kepada saya, Hok Gie berkata: "Kadang-kadang, saya merasa sedih. Kalau saya
bicara dengan ayahnya si., saya merasa dia sangat menghargai saya. Bahkan dia
mengagumi keberanian saya tanpa tulisan-tulisan saya. Tetapi kalau anaknya
diminta, dia pasti akan menolak. Terlalu besar risikonya. Orang hanya
membutuhkan keberanian saya tanpa mau terlibat dengan diri saya". Karena itu,
ketika seorang temannya dari Amerika menulis kepadanya: "Gie seorang intelektual
yang bebas adalah seorang pejuang yang sendirian, Selalu. Mula-mula, kau
membantu menggulingkan suatu kekuasaan yang korup untuk menegakkan kekuasaan
lain yang lebih bersih. Tapi sesudah kekuasaan baru ini berkuasa, orang seperti
kau akan terasing lagi dan akan terlempar keluar dari sistem kekuasaan. Ini akan
terjadi terus-menerus. Bersedialah menerima nasib ini, kalau kau mau bertahan
sebagai seorang intelektual yang merdeka: sendirian, kesepian, penderitaan".
Surat ini dia tunjukkan kepada saya. Dari wajahnya saya lihat dia seakan mau
berkata: Ya, saya siap.

Dalam suasana yang seperti inilah dia meninggalkan Jakarta untuk pergi ke puncak
gunung Semeru. Pekerjaan terakhir yang dia kerjakan adalah mengirim bedak dan
pupur untuk wakil-wakil mahasiswa yang duduk di parlemen, dengan ucapan supaya
mereka bisa berdandan dan dengan begitu akan tambah cantik di muka penguasa.
Suatu tindakan yang membuat dia tambah terpencil lagi, kali ini dengan beberapa
teman-teman mahasiswa yang dulu sama-sama turun ke jalanan pada tahun 1966.

Ketika dia tercekik oleh gas beracun kawah Mahameru, dia memang ada di suatu
tempat yang terpencil dan dingin. Hanya seorang yang mendampinginya, salah
seorang sahabatnya yang sangat karib. Herman lantang.
Suasana ini juga yang ada, ketika saya berdiri menghadapi jenazahnya di tengah
malam yang dingin, di rumah lurah sebuah desa di kaki Gunung Semeru. Jenazah
tersebut dibungkus oleh plastik dan kedua ujungnya diikat dengan tali,
digantungkan pada sebatang kayu yang panjang, Kulitnya tampak kuning pucat,
matanya terpejam dan dia tampak tenang. Saya berpikir: "Tentunya sepi dan dingin
terbungkus dalam plastik itu".
Ketika jenazah dimandikan di rumah sakit Malang, pertanyaan yang muncul di dalam
diri saya alah apakah hidupnya sia-sia saja? Jawabannya saya dapatkan sebelum
saya tiba kembali di Jakarta.

Saya sedang duduk ketika seorang teman yang memesan peti mati pulang. Dia tanya,
apakah saya punya keluarga di Malang? Saya jawab "Tidak. Mengapa?" Dia cerita,
tukang peti mati, ketika dia ke sana bertanya, untuk siapa peti mati ini? Teman
saya menyebut nama Soe Hok Gie dan si tukang peti mati tampak agak terkejut.
"Soe Hok Gie yang suka menulis di koran? Dia bertanya. Teman saya mengiyakan.
Tiba-tiba, si tukang peti mati menangis. Sekarang giliran teman saya yang
terkejut. Dia berusaha bertanya, mengapa si tukang peti mati menangis, tapi yang
ditanya terus menangis dan hanya menjawab " Dia orang berani. Sayang dia

Jenazah dibawa pleh pesawat terbang AURI, dari Malang mampir Yogya dan kemudian
ke Jakarta. Ketika di Yogya, kami turun dari pesawat dan duduk-duduk di lapangan
rumput. Pilot yang mengemudikan pesawat tersebut duduk bersama kami. Kami
bercakap-cakap. Kemudian bertanya, apakah benar jenazah yang dibawa adalah
jenazah Soe Hok Gie. Saya membenarkan. Dia kemudian berkata: "Saya kenal
namanya. Saya senang membaca karangan-karangannya. Sayang sekali dia meninggal.
Dia mungkin bisa berbuat lebih banyak, kalau dia hidup terus". Saya memandang ke
arah cakrawala yang membatasi lapangan terbang ini dan hayalan sayamencoba
menembus ruang hampa yang ada di balik awan sana. Apakah suara yang perlahan
dari penerbang AURI ini bergema juga di ruang hampa tersebut?

Saya tahu, di mana Soe Hok Gie menulis karangan-karangannya. Di rumah di Jalan
Kebon jeruk, di kamar belakang, ada sebuah meja panjang. Penerangan listrik
suram, karena voltase yang selalu turun akalau malam hari. Di sana juga banyak
nyamuk. Ketika orang-orang lain sudah tidur, seringkali masih terdengar suara
mesin tik dari kamar belakang Soe Hok Gie, di kamar yang suram dan banyak nyamuk
itu, sendirian, sedang mengetik membuat karangannya. Pernahkan dia membayangkan
bahwa karangan tersebut akan dibaca oleh seorang penerbang AURI atau oleh
seorang tukang peti mati di Malang?
Tiba-tiba, saya melihat sebuah gambaran yang menimbulkan pelbagai macam perasaan
di dalam diri saya. Ketidakadilan bisa merajalela, tapi bagi seorang yang secara
jujur dan berani berusaha melawan semua ini, dia akan mendapat dukungan tanpa
suara dari banyak orang. Mereka memang tidak berani membuka mulutnya, karena
kekuasaan membungkamkannya. Tapi kekuasaan tidak bisa menghilangkan dukungan
dukungan itu sendiri, karena betapa kuat pun kekuasaan, seseorang tetap masih
memiliki kemerdekaan untuk berkata "Ya" atau "Tidak", meskipun Cuma di dalam

Saya terbangun dari lamunan saya ketika saya dipanggil naik pesawat terbang.
Kami segera akan berangkat lagi. Saya berdiri kembali di samping peti matinya.
Di dalam hati saya berbisik "Gie, kamu tidak sendirian". Saya tak tahu apakah
Hok Gie mendengar atau tidak apa yang saya katakan itu.
Suara pesawat terbang mengaum terlalu keras.

Arief Budiman (Soe Hok Djin)
(seperti dimuat dalam buku Catatan Seorang Demonstran edisi 1993)
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Minggu, Oktober 25, 2009   0 comments
Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009
pementasan stesa
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009   1 comments

posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009   0 comments
T: Ok, two minutes till rendezvous, Mr. President. We have a satellite feed of Magneto’s base of operations
P: How did we find it?
T: She gave us everything we wanted
P: hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
+ : Approaching target dead ahead set 360-degree incursion
+ : This is the team leader to bravo one. We are green to go
P: Ok send them in
+ : Ok. Freeze mutants! Get your hands in the air!
+ : Ok, I give up
+ : Sorry, Mr. Secretary it was decay
P: If he’s not there, then where the hells is he?
O: Worhington labs, it ends where it began
+ : 100%
Cm: So how are we supposed to get there? Cause I don’t swim
O: Leave that to me
L: Storm. Storm
S: What are you doing back here
L: I need help
S: You find her
L: Yeah, she’s with Magneto
S: Where are they
L: On the move. I know where they’re going
H: You saying you saw Magneto
L: We gotta go. They’re gonna attack Alctraz
H: There are troops stationed on that Island
L: Not enough to stop him
S: Let’s suit up
H: Hand believe this once fit me
L: If Magneto gets that cure, we can’t stop him
H: Can you estimate how many he has?
L: An army. And Jean. Her powers has limits, hers do not
B: There’s only six hours, Logan
L: Yeah, we’re out number, I’m not gonna lie to you but we lost Scott, we lost the Professor. If we don’t fight now, everything they stood for will die with them. I’m not gonna let that happen. Are you? Then we stand together. X-Men. All of us
B: We’re in
L: Let’s go. They’re ready
S: Yeah, I know. But are you ready to do what you need to do when the time comes
+ : Dad, what’s going on
+ : it’s an eartquake
+ : We’re trapped
O: Charles allways wanted to build bridges
P: My God
+ : Fall back! Take cover! Fall back
+ : The boy’s in the southeast corner of the building
O: well, then
+ : let’s take it down!
O: In case, the pawns go first, human and their guns plastic, they’ve learned that’s why the pawns fo first
+ : Target the bridge
O: Archlight, use your shockwaves. target those weapons
H: Oh my stars and garters
S: Go into stealth mode.
P: How about, jets? Tank’s?
T: Againt’s Magneto? He’ll turn them inside out
P: Where are our ground troops?
T: 30 minutes away
P: Then god help us
Dr. : They’re coming for her
B: don’t ever do that again
L: you men cover the doors! Everybody get together! And hold this line
O: Traitors to their own cause. Finish them. Not yet, go inside and get the boy, and kill him
Cm: With pleasure
+ : Hold it
H: He’s going for the boy!
K: Not if I get the first
L: Kitty
+ : come on
L: Grow those back
Cm: Don’t you know who I’m? I’m the Juggernaut, bitch.
+ : Going somewhere?
+ : You’re the guy that invented the cure, right?
Dr. : Girl
+ : No, don’t. don’t hurt him. No, don’t hurt him
Dr. : Let go of me, I didn’t do anything
+ : Calm down. Calm down, everything’s gonna be ok
L: I thought you were a diplomat
H: as churchill said, “ There’s come at time..” oh, you get the point
Dr. : Oh, no. please. No. No. don’t. No
K: No, don’t worry, I’m here to help you, I’m going to get you out of here. Oh, my god. What’s going on?
+ : you’re powers won’t work with me
K: Stay close alright
+ : Ok
Cm: I’m the wrong guy to pay hide-and-seek with
K: Who’s hiding dickhead?
Dr. : don’t. No. don’t. please don’t do this. I only wanted to help you people
+ : Do we look like we need your help
O: It’s time to end this war
L : Take cover
+ : let’s go, let’s go. Move . go, go, go
L: We work as a team
S: Best defense is a good offence
L: Bobby, think you can take out your old friend?
O: Go, ahead.
L: Storm, we’re gonna need some cover
S: Right
+ : You’re in over your head, Bobby. Maybe you should go back to school
B: You never should have left
L: This is it. hey, make it a strike
O: You never learn, do you?
L: Actually, I do.
O: I’m
L: One of them?
O: This is what they want for all of us
L: it’s over Jean, it’s over. No, don’t shoot. No
H: Everybody get out of there
K: Bobby
O: what have I done
L: I’m the only one who can stop her. Get everyone to safety, go. Jean, Jean, I know you’re still there!
J: You would die for them
L: no, not for them. For you, for you
J: save me
L: I love you
B: you’re back
R: I’m sorry. I had to
B: This isn’t what I wanted
R: I know. It’s what I want
S: Hey, good see you, buddy
P: With the thanks of a grateful nation. I introduce our new ambassador to the united states, and the representative to the world for all united states citizens, human and mutant alike, Dr. Hank MacCoy.
L: Way to go, fur ball.
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009   0 comments
O: Voluntary? They put the cure I a gun. I told you they would draw first blood
+ : So what we do
O: we use this weapon as a lightning rod to bring countless more to our cause come, we have an army to build.
+ : I picked something up an electromagnetic force, it massive. It’s a mutant. Class five, more powerful than anything I’ve ever felt. More powerful than you
O: Where is she?
S: Logan
L: Jean. Jean.
S: What happened?
X: What have you done?
L: I think she killed Scott
S: What? That’s not possible
X: I warned you. She’s left the mansion but she’s trying to block my thoughts. She’s so strong. It maybe to late
X: Wait for me here
L: what?
X: I need to see Jean alone
O: You were right Charles. this one is special
L: what the hell are you doing here
O: Same at the professor, visiting an old friend
X: I don’t want trouble here
O: Nor do I. so, shall we go inside
X: I came to bring Jane home. Don’t interfere
O: Just like old times, eh?
X: She needs help, Jean is not well
O: Funny, you sound just like her parents. Nobody gets inside
J: I knew you’d come
X: Of course, I’ve come to bring you home
J: I have no home
X: Yes, you do. You have a home and a family
O: You know, he thinks your power is too great for you to control. I don’t believe your mind games are going to work any more, Charles
J: so you want to control me
O: He does
X: No, I want to help you
J: Help me, what’s wrong with me?
O: Absolutely nothing
X: Eric, stop
O: No, Charles. Not this time. You’ve always held her back
X: For your own good, jean
J: Stay out of my head
L: I’m going in
S: The professor said he’d handle this
X: Look at me jean. I can help you, look at me
J: Get out of my head
O: Perhaps, you should listen to her, Charles
X: Thrust me, you’re danger to everyone and your selves. But I can help you
O: I think you want to give her the cure
X: Look at the Scott, you kill the man you loved because you couldn’t control your power
J: No, stop it
L: That’s it
X: Jean, let me in
O: No Jean. Jean
X: Don’t let it control you
O: Charles. My dear, come with me
L: No. God
S: We lived in an age darkness. A world full of fear, hate and intolerance, but in every age, there are those who fight against it. Charles Xavier was born to a world divided a world he tried to heal. A mission he never saw accomplished. It seems the destiny of great men to see their goals unfulfilled. Charles was more than a leader, more than a teacher, he was a friend. When we were afraid, he gave us strength. And when we were alone, he gave us a family. He may be gone, but his teachings live on through us, his student. Wherever we may go, we must carry on his vision, an that’s a vision of a world united.
B: Kitty
K: Bobby
B: You ok
K: Yeah. It’s just…………… Xavier came to my house. He was the one that convinced me to come here
B: yeah, me too. We’re all feeling the same way, you know
K: No, bobby. We’re not. You have a Rogue and I have….. you know I just miss home. The first snow and all that
B: Kitty get up come with me
K: Storm told us to stay in our rooms
B: Don’t worry, we won’t get caught. I mean, you can walk through walls, you know. Come on. This place can be home too
K: Thank you for this bobby
L: You need a lift, kid.
R: No
L: Where are you going?
R: You don’t know what it’s like to be afraid of your powers. Afraid to get close to anybody
L: Yeah, I do
R: I want to be able to touch people, Logan. A hug, a handshake, a kiss
L: I hope you’re not doing this for some boy. Look if you wanna go, then go. Just be sure it’s what you want
R: Shouldn’t you be telling me to stay? To go upstairs and unpack?
L: I’m not your father, I’m, you’re friend. Just think about what I said, rogue.
R: Marine
L: Marie
O: Remember when we go first met? Do you know what I saw when I looked at you? Saw the next stage in evolution both Charles and I dream of finding and I thought to myself, “why would Charles want to run this goddess into a mortal?” I can manipulate the metal in this, but you, you can do anything, anything you can think of. Jean. Enough. Enough.
J: You sound just like him
O: Jean, he wanted to hold you back
J: What do you want?
O: I want you to be what you are, as nature intended. That cure is meant for all of us, if we want freedom, we must fight for it, and that fight begins now
+ : She shouldn’t be here with us, her power is completely unstable.
O: Only in the wrong hands
+ : And you trust her? She’s one of them
O: So were you once
+ : I stuck with you, would killed the professor if you’d given me the chance
O: Charles Xavier did more for mutants than you’ll ever know. My single greatest regret is that he had to die for our dream to live.
B: So what now? What do we do?
H: Professor Xavier started this school perhaps it’s best that it end with him. We’ll tell the students they’re going home
B: Most of us don’t have anywhere to go. I can’t believe this, we’re not going to fight for this school
W: I’m sorry. I know this is a bad time, I was told that this was a safe place for mutants
H: It was, son
S: And it still is. We’ll find you a room. Hank, tell all the students the school stays open
B: Rouge. Hey Rouge. Hey Pete. Have you seen Rogue?
Pe: Yeah, she took off
J: Logan. Logan. Logan
L: Jean
J: Logan, where am I? Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan
L: Stop
J: Logan. Logan. Logan
S: where are you going?
L: Where do you think?
S: She’s gone Logan. She’s not coming back.
L: You don’t know that
S: She killed the professor
L: It wasn’t jean. The Jean I know is still in there
S: Listen, why you can’t you see the truth? Why can’t you just let her go
L: because…. Because……
S: because you love her, she made her choice. Now it’s time we make ours. So if you’re with us, then with us.
+ : Getting the cure so you can go back home to mommy and daddy?
B: I’m looking for someone
+ : Oh, I get it. Your girl friend. I figured she’d want the cure. She’s pathetic. Come on iceman make a move, Same old bobby. Still afraid of a fight.
O: Today’s attack was only our first salvo. So long as the cure exists, our war will rage. Your cities will not be safe, your streets not will be safe, you will not be safe. And the fellow mutants, I make you this offer……………. Join us or stay out of our way. Enough mutants blood has been spilled already.
T: We’re trying to track them, sir. We’re working hard
P: We cannot let him do this
T: You know I agree, sir
P: This is a now a national security matter. Seize and secure Worthington labs. I want troops armed with cure weapons deployed immediately. And Trask, you have to find Magneto, and stop him by any means necessary Magneto wants a war. We’ll give him one.
+ : Let’s go keep it moving, turn in all metal, bayonets, magazines, dog tags, pick up your plastic weapons, pick up your cure cartridge, absolutely no metal.
O: They wish to cure us, but I say to you we are the cure. The cure for that infirm, imperfect condition called Homo Sapiens. They have their weapons, we have ours. We will strike with a vengeance and a furry that this world has never witnessed, and if any mutants stand in our way, we will use this poison against them. We shall go to Alcatraz Island take control of the cure. And destroy it’s source, and then nothing can stop us.
L: Jean
O: I know the smell of your adamantium for a mile away
L: I didn’t come here to fight you
O: Smart boy
L: I came for jean
O: You think I’m keeping her against her will?. She’s here because she wants to be
L: You don’t know what you’re dealing with
O: I know full well. I saw what she did to Charles
L: And you stood there and let him die? I’m not leaving here without her
O: Yes, you are
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009   0 comments
+ : How should we, as mutants respond? Here’s what I thing, This is about getting organized, bringing our complaints to the right people. We need to put together a committee and talk to the government. They don’t know what it means to be a mutant. We need to show them, educated them, let them know that we’re here to stay. People, you must listen. They won’t take us seriously
+ : They want exterminate us
+ : This cure is voluntary nobody talking about extermination
O: No one ever talks about it, they just do it and you all go on with your lives ignoring the signs all around you. And the one day, when the air is still and the night has fallen they come for you.
Then you realize, while you’re talking about organizing and committees, the extermination has already begun. Make no mistake my brothers. They will draw the first blood, they will force their cure upon us. The only question is, will you join my brotherhood and fight? Or wait for the inevitable genocide? who will you stand with? The humans? or us?
+ : you talk pretty tough for a guy in a cape
+ : back of
+ : if you’re so proud of being a mutant, where’s your mark?
O: I have been marked once, my dear. Let me assure you. No needle shall you’re talking to?
+ : you know who you’re talking to?
+ : do you?
O: and what can you do? So you have talents?
+ : that and more. I know you control metal. And I know there’s 87 mutants in here, none above class three other than you two
O: you can sense other mutants and their powers? Could you locate one for me?
M: let me out of here. I demand that you release me, do you know who I am? I’m president of the united states
+ : oh, Mr. president. Shut up
M: why are you doing this to me? Let me down, I’ll be a good girl. Please let me go, please.
+ : keep it up. I’ll spray you in the face, bitch.
M: When I get out of here, I’m going to kill you myself
+ : yeah, right
+ : Secretary McCoy, welcome to Worthington labs.
H: thank you, Dr. Rao. Not an easy place to get to.
+ : it’s the safest location we could find. That’s why we keep the source of the cure here
H: He is a mutant. You understand our concern
+ : We are in compliance with your policy
H: how long will you keep the boy here
+ : until we can fully map his DNA. We can replicate it, but we can’t generate it.
H: anad his power? What is it range?
+ : you’ll see. Jimmy, there’s someone I would like you to meet.
H: Hallo there, son
+ : Hi
H: My name is Hank MacCoy.
+ : I’m sorry
H: it’s ok. You have an amazing gift, thank you, jimmy.
+ : Extraordinary, isn’t he?
H: yes he is.
J: Scott. Scott. Can you hear me? I’m still here, Scott
Sc: Stop
J: I’m here Scott. Scoot
Sc: Stop it
J: I need you Scott, Scott
Sc: Stop…… jean.
J: Scott
Sc: How
J: I don’t know. I wanna see your eyes. Take this off
Sc: No. No
J: Trust me, I can control it now. Open them, you can hurt me
S: What happened?
L: No clue. Professor are you ok?
X: Get to Alkali lake
S: You don’t want to be here
L: Do you? I can’t see a damn thing
S: I can take care of that
L: What the
S: Logan. She’s a live
L: Jean
X: The seer mass of water that collapsed on of jean should have obliterated her. The only explanation of jean’s survival, Is that her powers wrapped her in a cocoon of telekinetic energy
L: is she gonna be ok?
X: Jean grey is the only class five mutant. I’ve ever encountered, her potential limitless. Her mutation is seated in the unconscious part of her mind and there in lay danger. When she was girl, I created a series of psychic barriers to isolate her powers from her conscious mind. Jean developed a dual personality
L: What?
X: the conscious jean whose powers were always in her control, and the dormant side, personality that, in our sessions, come to call itself the phoenix, A purely instinctual creature, all desire and joy and rage.
L: She know all this
X: it’s unclear how much she knew. Far more critical is weather the woman in front of us is the jean grey we know, or the phoenix furiously struggling to be free.
L: She look peaceful to me
X: I’m keeping her that way. I’m trying to restore thephychic blocks and cage the beast again
L: What have you done to her?
X: You have to understand…
L: You’re talking about a person’s mind, but Jean
X: She has to be controlled
L: Controlled. Sometimes, when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry
X: You have no idea. You have no idea of what she is capable
L: No professor. I had no idea what were you were capable of
X: I had a terrible choice to make. I choose the lesser of two evils
L: It sounds to me like jean had no choice at all
X: I don’t have to explain me self, least of all to you
+ : History will be made here today. For the first time the so called mutant cure will be available to the public, reaction has run with mutants on both sides of the line. Some are desperate for this cure while others are offended by the very idea of it
Dr.: Will secretary McCoy be a problem?
+ : Heard to say his political views seem somewhat at odds with his personal issues
+ : Excuse me sir, you’re son’s arrived
Dr.: Good, bring him in
+ : Are you sure want to start with him?
Dr.: I think it’s important. Yes. Hello Warren. How are you, son? Did you sleep well?
W: Yeah
Dr.: You know, I’m proud of you for doing this. Everything gonna a be fine. I promise. You ready?
+ : The transformation can be a little jarring
W: Dad, can we talk about this for a second?
Dr.: We’ve talk about it, son. It’ll all be over soon everything’s going to be fine.
W: Wait, I can’t do this
Dr.: Warren calm down
W: I can’t do this
Dr.: Yes, you can
W: I can’t do this
Dr.: Just relax son take easy, calm down. I promise you it will be fine. Warren relax
W: Dad
Dr.: Warren, it’s a better life, it’s what we all want
W: No. it’s what you want
Dr: Warren, no!
M: told you so. About time
O: I’ve been busy. Did you find what you were looking for?
W: the source of the cure is a mutant. A child at Worthingthon labs without him, the have nothing
O: Read off the guest list
+ : “cell 41205. James Nardox” this one robber 7 banks. At the same time
O: I could use a man of your talents
JM: I’m in
O: Welcome to brotherhood
M: Careful with this one
+ : “Cain Mark. Solitary confinement” check this out “prisoner must be confined at all times.” If he builds any momentum, no object can stop him.
O: How fascinating. What do they call you?
CM: Juggernaut
O: I can imagine why
CM: Are you going to let me out? I need a pee
+ : Nice helmet
CM: keeps my face pretty
O: I thing he’ll make a fine addition to our army
M: No
O: You saved me
M: Eric
O: I’m sorry, my dear. You’re not one of us any more
CM: Such a same. She was so beautiful
P: Thing resigning will make a difference? That’s no way to influence policy
H: Policy is being made without me, Mr. President
P: The decision to turn the cure into a weapon was made without me. What happened on the convoy was excusable, but you’re actions….
H: That was an isolated incident. You have to understand those mutants were real threat. Have you begun to think what a slippery slope you’re on?
P: I have, and I worry about how democracy survives when one man can move cities his mind
H: As do I
P: you and I know that it’s only going to get worse
H: All the move reason why I need to be where I belong
L: Jean
J: Hi Logan
L: Welcome back
J: Back where we first met, only I was in your places and you were in mine
L: Are you ok
J: Yeah, more than ok
L: Logan, you’re reading my thoughts?
J: I don’t have to, it’s ok. It’s ok.
L: Wait
J: No
L: Jean. This isn’t you
J: Yes, it’s me
L: No, maybe you ought to take it easy. The professor said you might be different
J: He would know, wouldn’t he? What? You think he’s not in your head too? Look at you, Logan. He’s tamed you
L: where’s Scott? Jean.
J: Where I’m
L: You’re in the mansion. You need to tell me what happened to Scott? Jean, told me. Stay with me. Talk to me. Look at me. Look at me.
J: No
L: Focus. Focus
J: kill me
L: What
J: Kill me before I kill someone else
L: Don’t say that
J: Please
L: Stop it
J: Kill me
L: Stop it. Look at me. Look at me. Jean, it’ll be all right. We can help you. Hey, the professor can help. He can fix it
J: I don’t want to fix it
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009   0 comments
O: I still don’t know why I’m here. Couldn’t you just make them say yes?
X: Yes, I could. But it’s not my way, and I would expect you of all people, Would understand my feelings on misuse of power.
O: Ah… power corrupts and all that. Yes, I know Charles. When are you going to stop lecturing me?
X: When you start listening. You’re here because I need you
O: We don’t have to meet every one of them in person?
X: No, this one’s special
Mrs. Jhon: What a beautiful campus, john. Don’t you think?
Mr. jhon: Yeah, the brochure is great. But what about jean? What about illness?
O: Illness?
Mrs. Jhon: John.
O: You think your daughter is sick, Mr. Grey?
X: Perhaps it would be best if we were to speak to her, alone.
Mrs. Jhon: Of course. Jean, can you come down, dear?
Mr. Jhon: We’ll leave you, then
O: It’s very rude to read my thoughts, or Mr. Lensherr’s, without our Permission. Did you think you were, the only one of your kind, young lady?
X: We’re mutants, jean. We’re like you.
J: Really? I doubt that.
O: Oh, Charless. I like this one.
X: You have more power than you can imagine jean. The question, will you control that power? Or let it control you?
Dr. : Warren? Son, is everything all right? What’s going on?
W: Nothing. I’ll be right out.
Dr. : Came on. You’ve been in there for over an hour. Open the door warren.
W: One second
Dr. : Open this door. Warren, let me in there right now. Open the door. Oh God. Not you.
W: Dad, I’m sorry.
L: The whole world’s going to hell and you’re just going to sit there? Let’s go
B: Thanks kitty.
S: We’re getting killed out here
L: Yeah, I know. They’re not ready, storm.
S: Logan
L: Oh, don’t get your panties in a bunch that was my last cigar
S: Logan
L: It’s getting classer. Come on. Let’s keep moving. Hey tin man. Come here. How’s your throwing arm?
S: Logan, we work as a team
L: Yeah, good luck with that. Throw me, now.
S: Dammed, Logan, don’t do this
L: Class dismissed. Hey, colossus nice throw.
+ : Simulation complete
S: What was that
L: Danger room session
S: You know what I mean
L: Lighten up
S: You can’t change the rules. I’m trying to teach ‘em something
L: I taught ‘em something
S: It was a defensive exercise
L: Yeah, best defense is a good offence, or is it the other way round?
S: This isn’t a game, Logan.
L: Well, you sure fooled me. Hey, I’m just a sub. You got a problem, talk the scott.
S: Scott
B: Are you okay?
R: I’m fine
B: You seem like you’re avoiding me. Something’s wrong.
R: What’s wrong, I can’t touch my boyfriend without killing me. Other than that I’m wonderful
B: Hey, I don’t think that’s fair, have I ever put any pressure on you?
R: You’re a guy, bobby. You mind’s only on one thing
L: He Scott, they were looking for you. You didn’t show
Sc: What do you care?
L: For starter, I had to cover your ass
Sc: I didn’t ask you to
L: No, you didn’t. the professor did. I was just passing through
Sc: So pas through, Logan
L: Hey, look. I know how you feel when jean died..
Sc: Don’t
L: Maybe, it’s time for us to move on
Sc: Not every body heals as fast as you, Logan.
+ : Mr. secretary
H: Yes
+ : The meeting’s begun, sir.
H: Thank you.
H: Mr. president
P: Have a seat Hank. Home land security was tracking Magneto.
T: We got hits in Lisbon, Geneva, Montreal. NAVSAT, lost him crossing the border, but we did get a consolation prize. We picked her up breaking into the FDA.
P: You know who she’s been imitating? Secretary task here
H: Yes sir, she can do that
T: Not any more, she can’t. we got her
H: You thing, your prisons can hold her?
T: We have some news prisons. We’ll keep them mobile. Be a step head this time
+ : Where is Magneto, Reaven. Reaven, I asked you a question
M: I don’t answer to my slave name
+ : Reaven Dark Holme. That’s your real name, isn’t it? Or has a convinced you. You don’t have family anymore?
M: My family tried to kill me, you pathetic meat sack.
+ : Ok, then. Mstique-where is he?
M: In here with us
+ : I don’t want to play games with you. I want answers
M: You don’t want to play games with me?
+ : You are going to stop this. Tell me where is magneto?
M: You wanna know where he is? Homo sapien
H: You know, her capture will only provoke magneto, but having her does give us some diplomatic leverage.
P: On principle, I can’t negotiate with these people
H: I thought that’s why you appointed me, sir
P: Yes, it is
H: But that’s not why you called me here
P: No. this is. It’s what she stole from the FDA
H: Dear lord. Is it viable?
P: We believe it is
H: You realize the impact this’ll have on the mutant community?
P: Yes, I do. That’s precisely why we need some of your diplomacy now.
X: When an individual acquires great power, the use of misuse of that power is everything. Will it be for the greater good or will it be used for personal or for destructive ends? Now this is a question we must all ask ourselves. Why? Because we are mutants. For psychics, this is present a particular problem. When is acceptable to use our power and when do we cross that invisible line that turns us into tyrants over our fellow man?
K: But Einstein said that ethnics are an exclusive human concern without any superhuman authority behind it
X: Einstein wasn’t a mutant so far as we know. This case study was sent to me. By a colleague, Dr. Moira McTaggert. Jones.
Dr. MM.: The man you see here was born with no higher-level brain functions. His organ and nervous system work, but he has no consciousness to speak of.
X: What if we were to transfer the consciousness of one person, say a father of four with terminal cancer, into the body of his man? How are we to decide what falls within the range of ethical behavior and what…
+ : Professor
X: We’ll continue this tomorrow, class dismissed
X: The fore cast was for sunny skies
S: Oh, I’m sorry
X: I don’t have to be psychic to see that something’s bothering you
S: I don’t understand magneto’s a fugitive. We’ve mutant in the cabinet, a president who understands us, why hide?
X: We’re not hiding. But we still have enemies. I must protect my student. You know that
S: Yes, but we can’t be students forever
X: Storm, I haven’t thought of you as my student for years. In fact, I thought that perhaps you might take my place someday.
S: But scott’s
X: Scott’s a changed man. He took jean’s dead so hard. Yes, things are better out there, but you, of all people, know how fast the weather can change
S: There’s something you’re not telling us
S: Hank?
H: Ororo, Charles
S: I love what you’ve done with your hair
H: You too. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice
X: Henry, you are always welcome here. You’re a part of this place
H: I have news
X: Is it Eric?
H: No, though we have been making some progress on that front. Mastique was recently apprehended
L: Who’s the fur ball?
H: Hank Maccoy. Secretary. Nice suit
X: Henry, this is a Logan, he’s…………
H: Wolverine. I hear you’re a quite an animal
L: Look who’s talking
S: Magneto’s gonna come get Mystique
H: Magneto’s not the problem. At least not our most pressing one. A major pharmaceutical company has developed a mutant antibody. A way to suppress the mutant X gene.
L: Suppress
H: Permanently, they’re calling it a cure
S: That ridiculous. You can’t cure being a mutant
H: Scientifically speaking….
S: When did we become a disease?
X: Storm, They’re announcing it now
Dr. : These so called mutants are people just like us. Their affection is nothing more than disease, a corruption of healthy cellular activity, but I stand here today to tell you that there’s hope. This site, once the world’s most famous prison, Will now be the source of freedom for all mutants who choose it. Ladies and gentlemen….. I proudly present the answer to mutation, Finally, we have cure.
S: who would want this cure? I mean, what kind of coward would take it just to fit in? is it cowardice to save one self from persecution?
H: Not all of us can fit in so easy, you don’t shed on the furniture.
L: The government probably cooked this up
H: The government had nothing to do with it
L: I’ve heard that before
H: My boy, I have been fighting for mutant rights since before you had claws
L: Did he just call me boy
R: Is it true? They can true us
X: Yes, Rogue. It appears to be true
S: No, professor. They can’t cure us. You wanna know why? Because there’s nothing to cure. Nothing’s wrong with you, or any of us, for that matter
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009   0 comments
soe hok gie
Kamis, 16 Desember 2004M
03 Dzulqaidah 1425H

Soe Hok Gie dilahirkan pada tanggal 17 Desember 1942, adik dari sosiolog Arief Budiman. Catatan harian Gie sejak 4 Maret 1957 sampai dengan 8 Desember 1969 dibukukan tahun 1983 oleh LP3ES ke dalam sebuah buku yang berjudul Soe Hok Gie: Catatan Seorang Demonstran setebal 494 halaman. Gie meninggal di Gunung Semeru sehari sebelum ulang tahunnya yang ke-27 — 16 Desember 1969 akibat gas beracun.
Setelah lulus dari SMA Kanisius Gie melanjutkan kuliah ke Universitas Indonesia tahun 1961. Di masa kuliah inilah Gie menjadi aktivis kemahasiswaan. Banyak yang meyakini gerakan Gie berpengaruh besar terhadap tumbangnya Soekarno dan termasuk orang pertama yang mengritik tajam rejim Orde Baru.
Gie sangat kecewa dengan sikap teman-teman seangkatannya yang di era demonstrasi tahun 66 mengritik dan mengutuk para pejabat pemerintah kemudian selepas mereka lulus berpihak ke sana dan lupa dengan visi dan misi perjuangan angkatan 66. Gie memang bersikap oposisif dan sulit untuk diajak kompromi dengan oposisinya.
Selain itu juga Gie ikut mendirikan Mapala UI. Salah satu kegiatan pentingnya adalah naik gunung. Pada saat memimpin pendakian gunung Slamet 3.442m, ia mengutip Walt Whitman dalam catatan hariannya, “Now I see the secret of the making of the best person. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth”.

Pemikiran dan sepak terjangnya tercatat dalam catatan hariannya. Pikiran-pikirannya tentang kemanusiaan, tentang hidup, cinta dan juga kematian. Tahun 1968 Gie sempat berkunjung ke Amerika dan Australia, dan piringan hitam favoritnya Joan Baez disita di bandara Sydney karena dianggap anti-war dan komunis. Tahun 1969 Gie lulus dan meneruskan menjadi dosen di almamaternya.
Bersama Mapala UI Gie berencana menaklukkan Gunung Semeru yang tingginya 3.676m. Sewaktu Mapala mencari pendanaan, banyak yang bertanya kenapa naik gunung dan Gie berkata kepada teman-temannya:
“Kami jelaskan apa sebenarnya tujuan kami. Kami katakan bahwa kami adalah manusia-manusia yang tidak percaya pada slogan. Patriotisme tidak mungkin tumbuh dari hipokrisi dan slogan-slogan. Seseorang hanya dapat mencintai sesuatu secara sehat kalau ia mengenal objeknya. Dan mencintai tanah air Indonesia dapat ditumbuhkan dengan mengenal Indonesia bersama rakyatnya dari dekat. Pertumbuhan jiwa yang sehat dari pemuda harus berarti pula pertumbuhan fisik yang sehat. Karena itulah kami naik gunung.”
8 Desember sebelum Gie berangkat sempat menuliskan catatannya: “Saya tak tahu apa yang terjadi dengan diri saya. Setelah saya mendengar kematian Kian Fong dari Arief hari Minggu yang lalu. Saya juga punya perasaan untuk selalu ingat pada kematian. Saya ingin mengobrol-ngobrol pamit sebelum ke semeru. Dengan Maria, Rina dan juga ingin membuat acara yang intim dengan Sunarti. Saya kira ini adalah pengaruh atas kematian Kian Fong yang begitu aneh dan begitu cepat.” Selanjutnya catatan selama ke Gunung Semeru lenyap bersamaan dengan meninggalnya Gie di puncak gunung tersebut.
24 Desember 1969 Gie dimakamkan di pemakaman Menteng Pulo, namun dua hari kemudian dipindahkan ke Pekuburan Kober, Tanah Abang. Tahun 1975 Ali Sadikin membongkar Pekuburan Kober sehingga harus dipindahkan lagi, namun keluarganya menolak dan teman-temannya sempat ingat bahwa jika dia meninggal sebaiknya mayatnya dibakar dan abunya disebarkan di gunung. Dengan pertimbangan tersebut akhirnya tulang belulang Gie dikremasi dan abunya disebar di puncak Gunung Pangrango.

Beberapa quote yang diambil dari catatan hariannya Gie:
“Seorang filsuf Yunani pernah menulis … nasib terbaik adalah tidak dilahirkan, yang kedua dilahirkan tapi mati muda, dan yang tersial adalah umur tua. Rasa-rasanya memang begitu. Bahagialah mereka yang mati muda.”
“Kehidupan sekarang benar-benar membosankan saya. Saya merasa seperti monyet tua yang dikurung di kebun binatang dan tidak punya kerja lagi. Saya ingin merasakan kehidupan kasar dan keras … diusap oleh angin dingin seperti pisau, atau berjalan memotong hutan dan mandi di sungai kecil … orang-orang seperti kita ini tidak pantas mati di tempat tidur.”
“Yang paling berharga dan hakiki dalam kehidupan adalah dapat mencintai, dapat iba hati, dapat merasai kedukaan…”
Selain Catatan Seorang Demonstran, buku lain yang ditulis Soe Hok Gie adalah Zaman Peralihan, Di Bawah Lentera Merah (yang ini saya belum punya) dan Orang-Orang di Persimpangan Kiri Jalan serta riset ilmiah DR. John Maxwell Soe Hok Gie: Pergulatan Intelektual Muda Melawan Tirani.
Tahun depan Mira Lesmana dan Riri Reza bersama Miles Production akan meluncurkan film berjudul “Gie” yang akan diperankan oleh Nicholas Saputra, Sita Nursanti, Wulan Guritno, Lukman Sardi dan Thomas Nawilis. Saat ini sudah memasuki tahap pasca produksi.

John Maxwell berkomentar, “Gie hanya seorang mahasiswa dengan latar belakang yang tidak terlalu hebat. Tapi dia punya kemauan melibatkan diri dalam pergerakan. Dia selalu ingin tahu apa yang terjadi dengan bangsanya. Walaupun meninggal dalam usia muda, dia meninggalkan banyak tulisan. Di antaranya berupa catatan harian dan artikel yang dipublikasikan di koran-koran nasional” ujarnya. “Saya diwawancarai Mira Lesmana (produser Gie) dan Riri Reza (sutradara). Dia datang setelah membaca buku saya. Saya berharap film itu akan sukses. Sebab, jika itu terjadi, orang akan lebih mengenal Soe Hok Gie” tuturnya.
Review lain bisa anda baca di arsip Intisari
Buku Catatan Seorang Demonstran dicetak ulang bekerjasama dengan Miles Production, berikut covernya (jadi Catatan Seorang Nicholas :(
posted by sLEpeTRo @ Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009   0 comments
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